From todays Bulletin!

ONGOING NEED for jars of jelly, loaves of bread and
bottled water. Each week we go through 12 loaves of bread
and 5 jars of jelly. Please help as you can.

HYGENE ITEMS for the Motel Ministry are
being collected in the basket in Narthex.

CHANGE FOR GOOD is being collected for the Good
Neighbor Guild (to help those in our community).
A jar is available near the altar.

FOOD ITEMS needed for the community food pantry are:
cereal, tuna, peanut butter, jelly, ramon noodles, canned
fruit, canned vegetables, soup, pasta, canned macaroni, toilet paper, soap, shampoo, tooth paste. Please place items in the Narthex.

WORK CREWS are needed at the Parsonage.
If you can help with outside clean up, trimming bushes, yard work, please see Charlie Fisher or Bob Miller for details.



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